Lates updates from the final steps
EU Parliament Hearing
Another major step towards our journey for a #FinBanNow in Europe is complete. On March 27 our selected group of experts spoke on behalf of 1,1 million Europeans who signed the EU Citizens Initiative “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade”. Now the ball is in the court of the EU – until July 11, 2023 they have to make up the right decision on how to proceed. It should be crystal clear by now: After [...]
Open letter to EU – #FinBanNow
More than 1.1 million Europeans and over 100 NGOs call for an end of the shark fin trade in the EU TRADE BAN REMAINS THE ONLY SOLUTION TO STOP THE GLOBAL MASS EXPLOITATION OF SHARKS BY THE INTERNATIONAL FIN TRADE In an open letter, more than 100 marine conservation and animal welfare organisations, including many German and European organisations such as Greenpeace, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Sea Shepherd, Pro Wildlife, Seas at Risk, the Environmental Justice Foundation, [...]
ECI is presented to the EU Commission
Greetings from Brussels! Today we presented our proposal for an end of the shark fin trade to the EU Commission and made a case how an end to trading loose shark fins would serve the EUs strategic goals in marine conservation. We are very grateful that we had the opportunity to talk directly with the EU Commission directly and had a great exchange with the commissioners! Thank you to all MEPs that attended. The EU [...]
It’s official – The votes have been delivered
January, 2023 Greetings from Brussels – Today we handed over 1.119.996 statements of support for a shark fin ban to the EU Commission! Thank you again for your contribution and support of this initiative over the last 2,5 years! On this special day more than 50 people from 10+ European countries gathered on the Place de Luxembourg in Brussels in front of the EU Parliament. We stand for more than 1.1 million people, 100 conservation [...]